Why am I an Angry Black Woman?

First things first, thank you for clicking- hey! I’ve decided to remain anonymous because I am not doing this for publicity. I am simply using my story to help people understand how it is I became a ‘angry woman’. We’re so quick to label people who have mental health issues or stray from social norms, that we don’t even bother to educate ourselves on the harsh realities that can alter someones whole perspective of the world. 

I believe my hurdles in life are a good thing because they’ve made me the strongest person ever. SO I’m trying to turn the ‘Angry Black Woman’ STEREOTYPE into a ‘Resilliant Woman’ APPRAISAL. This is mainly about how people contributed to the deterioration of my mental health despite me trying SO HARD to get it back on track for many years. I was always afraid to overcome these issues because I was so used to the negative things said about me that I actually started to believe the hate. I was brainwashed by people in my very own circle. Maybe I WAS a bad seed. Maybe I WAS crazy… From my attempted suicides to my sexual exploitation from my first ‘boyfriend’ at 15 (boyfriend ké)… I bring you… Memoirs of a mad, Angry Black Woman. 

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“When a person is down in the world, an ounce of help is better than a pound of preaching.”      – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Yes- it’s up to me to repair and elevate myself for “I was born alone”… But I wouldn’t have to repair so much damage if the people or systems in my life realised they were failing me.  Even though I am doing really well for myself, this isn’t the case for other people who have been misunderstood by the world. During my periods of self-development, I’m just angry at the fact the people I loved, just wouldn’t get it. So was only I responsible? Is something wrong with me? All of this is just my fault, right? This all made growing as a person harder because I was and STILL am angry at so many people… 

I’m so tired of people guessing and getting it wrong… “maybe she was sexually abused by her dad”, “maybe she’s just a troublemaker”, “some children are just bad seeds”, “You have the devil inside of you”, “maybe she doesn’t love herself”—– NOOO BIH. Like that’s really not it guys. I honestly didn’t have enough people around me who were supportive enough in my times of need. Which lead to an even longer duration of mental breakdowns and physical projections of my inner thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Image result for just fuck off e card

I’ll also touch on: why it is that I feel so isolated and misunderstood especially being Afro-Caribbean, where it can be (in some cases) even harder expressing yourself within your own family without being labelled as crazy, troubled or disrespectful (wtf bruh?). I feel the problem with cultures like mine is that it can be very submissive to mental health problems and they believe in tough love so much that they forget it can transform into emotional abuse/neglect, lessening the likelihood of recovery, but increasing the wrath of rebellion and self-destruction. ANYWAYS- I hope that one day, a bunch of people like me, see this as liberating or some sh**. My memoirs will give a deeper understanding of how it is that one could possibly end up as A MISUNDERSTOOD, MAD, ANGRY BLACK WOMAN…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Peace and Love…. Until next time… Share, Like & Suscribe baby!

ABW xoxo 

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